Beginning this summer, much of your medical debt could be removed from your credit report. In March 2022, the three biggest credit reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, announced changes to how they report medical debt which will amount to removing nearly 70 percent of medical debt in collections. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) […]
Warrior Trading to Pay $3 Million for Misleading Consumers
Day trading is just one avenue to achieve financial independence. It is another example of chasing the American dream. Warrior Trading, a company that allures hopeful traders to buy its method for making money in the day trading arena, has been holding out the bait for the same type of people who chase this dream. […]
How Can I Dispute a Credit Report Error?
The information in your credit report affects your ability to find employment, housing, securing loans and lines of credit, and insurance coverage. Credit reports detail your credit activity, payment history, credit limits, loan amounts, and lender information. The more positive the information in your credit report is, the better you will appear to other businesses. […]